Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This weekend we went to the store. I have been looking for awhile for a coffee grinder. When making Ethiopian food it's important to have a coffee grinder to grind all of the spices.

I saw the bunn coffee grinder and it was super nice. I figure I'll get that one so that I can grind our morning coffee. We already do a french press but fresh ground coffee must be even more delicious!

2 months!

I can't believe that the boy is two months old. It's gone by so fast. As I write this he is sleeping on my lap. He's such a good baby. Totally laid back and chill. It's a good thing because the girls are a handful!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Good stuff!

Shawna has been posting some of the newborn diapers that K has outgrown on the online auction site. She has been getting some incredible bids. It's shocking how much these women actually want the diapers and what they're willing to spend!

A few of the diapers have actually been purchased for more than Shawna bought them for. She used them and now she's making a profit!!

The tricky part of all of this is shipping. She needs to get some good materials such as strapping tape and some envelopes and boxes.

The worst thing in the world is to post something, sell it, and have it break when you ship it!

The addition...

We are currently in the middle of adding a master bedroom to our house. We decided to go with the best contractor in town. He's a fortune but we know that we really won't have to worry about it and it's going to be a job well done.

Tomorrow we meet with him to go over the design and figure out what the cost will be. I really hope it's not going to be too much!


I've thought about going to yota. I need to figure out something to destress. I had a gym membership but I felt like I couldn't get out of the house to do it. Maybe I should just get a new yoga video and yoga mat and do the exercises in the living room.

If I had them easily available I could do them whenever I have extra time, in my pajamas, and not even have to leave the house!

We have a yoga ball but I have no idea what to do with it!


I'm really excited that in the next 24 hours we are going to see the boys! We saw them a few months ago and had such a great time. I love how we can go months at a time without seeing them then all of a sudden reconnect and it's like we didn't miss a beat.

RIght now we're in the process of getting the house together and clean! Then there's the laundry...