Sunday, August 30, 2009

Where is this going?

I have no idea what is going on with the health insurance debate.

What I do know is that this family has to have affordable health insurance! Without it our whole dynamics change and it might even mean that Shawna goes back to work and can no longer stay at home with the kids.

The upcoming months will be interesting and we'll just have to see what happens!


Well, the girls have left to go on a hike and I'm left with a quiet and empty house.

I must admit it's kind of AWESOME!

I spent the first hour or so cleaning. I'm sure that when everyone comes back home all of my hard work will be undone.

Now I have no idea what to do with myself...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Getting older.

I feel my body aching each time I walk up the stairs.

In fact, the other day I looked at the mirror and besides the gray hairs that I try to pick out daily I'm realizing that my face and hands are aging.

If I were smart about it ... I'd look into getting the best wrinkle cream on the market!

However, looking at all of my other friends that have kids I think it might just be part of being a mom!

Swimming with snakes!

Yes, that's what happened this weekend!

We went to Taughannock and as we were getting out of the water we noticed that a water snake was swimming up to the swimming area.

To say the least, we got the kids out of the water.

However, I think the whole experience has tainted Shawna's lake swimming for life! She is refusing to ever go swimming again in non-pool water.


My poor skin!

This past weekend my skin has been so irritated. I don't know if it's the lake water, washing my hands too much, or the combination.

I called my doctor last week and asked for her to call in medication. Of course, she didn't.

To think that I was able to avoid acne treatments when I was a kid and now I've been stricken with bad skin now just stinks!

Back to the grind...

It was so hard to leave the house this morning.

Emmy was being so cute and after a really great weekend I just wanted to crawl back into bed and hang out with my girls.

I really should take a sick day soon...