Sunday, July 25, 2010

My poor hands.

Today I worked on the bathroom. It might not look so good now but I'm guessing over the next few days it's really going to come together.

When I'm working I typically use eye protection, and on occassion even get ear protection but today when I was working with all of the chemicals I had to use safety gloves.

Shawna got some of the blown insulation on her skin and for the rest of the day she was picking it off. Not to mention, it's pretty hazardous and some of it will just burn your skin off.

Terrible twos are here.

Emmy has been absolutely horrible lately. She's always been a tough kid. The other night we went to a movie and during the movie she kept standing up in the chair, leaning on the lady next to her.

Finally, Shawna walked out with her. I took over and within minutes she was throwing a major fit in the back of the theatre. It was so bad I got asked if I needed "assistance" by a movie watcher in the middle of the movie.

I finally just gave up and left the movie.

We have a meeting over the next few weeks to discuss strategies for dealing with these behaviors and temper tantrums. It just seems like we've tried everything and nothing at all is working.

A little SEO...

goes a long way.

Our business really is not the type of business that we feel we have to market. In fact, a firm from Chicago recently hired a seo chicago firm to market their website.

Not only does the website look incredible and was the talk of this year's conference but they've gained tons of business from the little marketing that they've done.

Considering we're in the computer age and with the market as depressed as it is you really have to take advantage of things. With that said, it might just pay for us to reach out to a SEO to market our firm.

Back to the grind.

So I'm on vacation. Can you tell? That's right in a few minutes I have to run to work to drop stuff off. Then I have a meeting Wednesday and one Thursday.

So much for the idea of a few uninterruped days off. Maybe when I'm in Canada for the 10 days I'll really be able to get away!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Last night we were in bed by 9:30pm. We had tucked the kids into their beds and Emmy kept waking up. She finally ended up sleeping on the futon mattress with us.

I've thought about treating my skin better by applying a night face cream.

Since I'm hitting the big 3-5 I know I really need to do certain things so that my skin does not get wrinkles.

I've been trying to eat better and even wearing sun screen more often. I just hope that my past behavior will be forgiven!

Germany -VS- Spain

Watching the game on television now and I think I'm probably going to cheer on Spain here. I think it's going to be a good game and I love the crowds. It looked like a fan just ran to the turf and they're now running im off of the field!

I must admit that going to a World Cup game is on my bucket list.

Maybe they'll have another WC in the US soon.

These children.

Last night we all camped out in the basement because it was so hot upstairs. We moved the futon mattress to the floor and the kids slept on a comforter on the thick rug.

Emmy was quite the pill. She absolutely would not go to sleep. She kept climbing in Shawna and I and by 10:30pm she finally made it to bed.

Of course, I've been looking at eye cream for dark circles because despite getting a good eight hours of sleep last night having a tossing and turning kid just makes sleep miserable!

More time, please.

Yesterday Shawna called me in a panic because the faucet that I installed in the bathroom had started leaking again.

I'm not even sure why either. I called Moen last time and they sent me out a new part. I installed it and it seemed to help for a few weeks...then all of a sudden is starts leaking again.

I know I've got to pick up the pace on this bathroom because it's taking a brutally long time.

BUT>....I just don't have the time!