Sunday, July 26, 2009

Here we go again!

Shawna's been on a few diets over the years. The one that really worked was when she used prescription medication and worked with a doctor.

A few weeks ago she went to the doctor to get the hook up and it appears that her insurance doesn't pay for the costly drugs.

So, I think the best thing might be for us to buy weight loss supplements and see what some over-the-counter supplements do!d

Heck, it's worth a shot. God knows we can't flip the bill for a bottle of $245.00 prescription meds!

So much for this weekend....

this weekend I was able to weed the garden AND buy the much needed shelf supplies.

I'm EXHAUSTED! I feel like my sleep is not restful and by 5:30am I wake up almost as exhausted as I woke up.

Maybe next weekend I'll be able to finish some of the things I need to do before leaving for my brother's wedding.

So much to little time.

Plus, I just want to play with the kiddos!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Must lose weight.

So now that we're back from vacation I need to think serious about shedding these pounds.

My brother's wedding is in a few weeks and I have to fit into some suits that I bought months ago. I'm going to get them altered over the next few days but it'd be great if I could drop five pounds or so.

Maybe I'll think about a top diet pill to help me trim down.

Of course, I need to lose around 15 pounds or so and there's no better time to do that than now! And the summer of course.

Dare I say it?

It's back to the grind tomorrow.

We had a fabulous vacation and I feel like it was a perfect combination of rest, relaxation, family time, and good food!

I also like that we were able to leave early Friday and draw out the drive by staying with Rachel Friday night.

Let's just say that the ride back today was HELL! Emmy was crazy bad and then Graem started up. At one point they were both crying and we threatened to leave them both on the side of the road.