Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sharper than a tack!

I am always shocked to see my brother, Dennis, dressed up in professional attire. It just registers to me how we aren't kids anymore and actually both have jobs!

One piece of information that I recently passed on to him was Belisi's Sharp by Design Blog.

It seems to have some really good fashion advise and information - especially for professional business men and women who have to dress to impress.

Belisi talks about everything from Valentine's gifts to dressing for a date!

I can also appreciate the clean style that Peter Belisi fashions have. The fabrics are all made to perfection and some of the neckties, cuff links, and scarfs that I have seen are all beautiful.

I can't wait to get a glimpse at some of the spring fashions that should be premiering any day now.

This post sponsored by: Peter Belisi

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