Monday, June 18, 2007

That would be me.

I'm really the person of all traits at work. I do my regular job as a landscape architect, IT director, buying agent, and asset management!

Right now we don't do inventory because our firm has always been small and for the most part we keep a pretty good eye on things. However, over the past few years we've almost doubled our working staff, rented a new office, and taken on some pretty big projects.

It would probably make sense to start Asset Tracking so that we have an idea of what we have and what we might need. Not to mention, if we itemize on our taxes we can take the deductions for depreciation. offers software that makes asset management easy. You will notice what you own and how much it's worth - instantly!

As the business gets bigger and bigger we have got to get a better handle on what we have and don't have!

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