Saturday, August 11, 2007

Just breathe...

With this recent upper respiratory tract infection that we've all been fighting, we've been going through tons of medications. The pediatrician prescribed a quick dose of prednisolone (bubble gum flavored!), and we have a standing order for albuterol and Xopenex for the nebulizer. Adn we've been blowing through bottles of cough medicine.

I'm always wary of the steroids, but as the pharmacist stated, you have to choose the lesser of two evils: 3 days of steroids, or not breathing. When Grammy's cough took a turn for the worst, we opted for the steroids.

Grammy does quite well on the Xopenex. We had originally started with the albuterol, but at the ER, they prescribed the Xopenex because it supposedly has fewer side effects and doesn't make kids hyper. Sounds good to me! We looked at the price tag on it, and it costs about 10x as much as the generic albuterol. Thank god for insurance coverage.

Speaking of creepy insurance companies: when we got out of the ER last time, they called us up (specifically me at work) to "see how Graem was doing." I, ever suspicious, even asked why they were really calling. They said that it was just to follow up and make sure she was ok. I doubt that.

Now if we can just turn the corner on this cough, we'll be fine. I'm hoping some fresh air and sun will help.

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