Saturday, May 26, 2007

I love hot!

That's why we're considering doing another hot and beachy vacation! Of course, we've got to schedule it more strategically next year. I think it'd be more appropriate to schedule it for the January/Feburary months when you are tired of Ithaca and ready to move to the West Coast!

Florida Vacation Rentals sound so appealing! After spending our most recent vacation in a noisy and crowded hotel I think we'll really be able to appreciate renting a vacation home.

It would have also been nice to just stay in for the night and be able to cook a meal in the comfort of your home. At the hotel we had to dress up and after a long day on the beach -- that's the last think you really want to do! is a great website for anyone who might be traveling to Florida. They offer discounts and traveling tips and hints to the best entertainment, lodging, shopping, and food!

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