Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More fun on the PDA!

I love using my PDA for geocaching. However, sometimes the battery doesn't work and I'm starting to think that I need to get another one.

When Shawna was the Executive Director for an assisted living residence she constantly got calls in the middle of the night with resident issues. Typically, it was that a resident fell, broke their hip and was going to the emergency room.

However, there were times when the nurse, myself, and doctor would be contacted and all of them were trying to figure out a medical solution for a specific situation. Many times she had to look online for the medications that were being given to see if they had any side effects.

Unfortunately, if she was out and about didn’t have access to the information and had to ask one of the aides to look up the information in the PDR.

I’ve just found out about medical reference software that allows you to view medical information online. You can actually use your PDA to get up-to-date information.

Medication information on the go — life is getting easier!

This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.

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