Sunday, September 23, 2007


If you've been reading our other blogs you'll see that our cat passed away. We decided to bury him under the tree. We figured as long as we buried him deep enough and put something on top of him that it should all be fine.

This morning I walked out and it looks like something has been trying to dig under the big log that I moved over the sight.

How can I keep that damn cat buried?


Anonymous said...

Hope it's not too soon, but your house isn't built next to any indian burial grounds is it?

Too obscure?

Two Mamas said..., we think it's the dumb ass boxers next door that are trying to dig him up.

why don't we own guns again?

Anonymous said...

I have buried so many animals over the years, I always wrap them in a blanket or if they have their own blanket, it is buried with them, I then put them inside a plastic lawn bag, and I have never had anything try and dig any of them up.