Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Brr...it's still cold!

I keep thinking that spring is just around the corner. I look outside and our crocuses are starting to come up and so our the tulips.

But I look at the temperature and it's still 40-50 degrees outside!

We've still had the heater pumped up. Last year we learned our lessons about the heating bill and purchased space heaters for a few of the rooms in our house.

This year we've noticed quite the different with our gas bill! It's almost half of what it was last year. We figure it's due to us being able to only heat the rooms we are in!

I wish we would have known about Desatech when we were looking for our space heaters because we spent an arm and a leg on them at the local stores. Desatech specializes in heating appliances and accessories - not to mention they have a an inventory blowout on many of their heaters!

This post sponsored by: http://products.desatech.com

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