Saturday, January 27, 2007

Grammy no nap strikes in New York City!

Today was such a busy day. Margot's relatives got in this afternoon and Graem was so excited and happy to be around everyone. She was her usual happy and hungry self. She ate off of everyone's plate and also had a little (okay a lot) of wine!

This afternoon after going to Best Buy and Kohls with the family I tried to lay her down for a nap. She was overly tired and wouldn't take one. It was too noisy downstairs and it was quite noisy downstairs.

So, we ended up going downstairs. She was great tonight and I was shocked that she didn't crack.

She just went to bed a few minutes ago (it's 11:15pm now!) and it only took a matter of minutes. She was exhausted!

Tomorrow we're doing dim sum and I really would like to get her back on schedule or else I'm screwed for Monday and Tuesday!

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