Sunday, March 29, 2009

Something to do?

Shawna's been wondering what she's going to do when Emmy goes to daycare. She's looked into grad school and even considered getting her teaching certificate.

However, we just looked at an online Project Management certificate that might be the perfect thing for her.

Since she has a B.S. in Business Management and Economics an updated PM certificate might be the updated education that she needs to get back in the job market.

With this tough market it's important to try and put yourself ahead of other candidates.

St. Joseph University online offers courses at your own pace and schedule and would be perfect for someone like Shawna who has a flexible schedule.


So we just got hooked up with stimulus work and I've been asked to put in mad hours to get the job done. I'm glad that I don't have to worry about my job...BUT...I'm tired. I want a vacation and it looks like I might have to reschedule my June vacation since the deadline will be around that time.

Losin' it.

It's been almost a year later and I have yet to lose my "baby weight". I thought that the nursing diet might have done the trick but I'm not convinced. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I eat more because I'm constantly hungry!

Once the nursing stops I might consider weight loss pills. My friend Erica also offered to join the YMCA with me and work out.

A combo of both might do the trick...


Can I just say that I love this shot. It's been so much better this year and now that we hve our home theatre up and running the HD channels look amazing!

Just sit back and watch.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's up!

After much planning and saving we finally have our home theatre up and running! It looks and sounds awesome and we enjoy it on a nightly basis!

We installed it all ourselves and despite not having to put KVM switches in we ended up running all of the wires through the wall.

Next time I have a feeling that we'll probably just pay the $300 and have it done professionally!


We thought Emmy was sleeping really good...but then we realized taht her monitor was unplugged.

For all we know she was howling all night in her crib and noone was there to hear her!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Lately, I've been checking out online auctions for cables for our television and home theatre. I've been shocked that I can find them almost 75% off what they are at our local electronics store!

Plus they get delivered to our house within a few days and I don't have to leave the couch!

Leave us sickies!

It seems like Emmy's getting over pneumonia. However, Graem started coughing at the dinner table this morning!

We're hoping it's just some fluky thing and starting to think that she might be doing some of this for attention.

Last night she had a fit because she didn't want to go to bed in the dark. So we ended up keeping the hallway light on.

Hopefully, it's just a stage and she'll get over it soon.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


This morning I stepped on the scale and couldn't believe the mad weight gain! I've been trying to do Wii Fit but haven't been very consistent about it.

Maybe I'll look into getting some diet pill information. Even though I need to lose about 20 pounds it sure would be nice to have a little help!


That's right, folks. We have a sick baby!

We went in yesterday for her 9 month appointment and it seems like she got a cold overnight. She woke up with boogies and overall not feeling good.

In other news...we're getting our new couch today!