Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm not sure I realized

what goes into starting and maintaining a business.

My profession holds business insurance because there could be a situation where someone gets hurt with one of our designs and the person decides to sue. Just one lawsuit could bring down any firm.

In order to protect the business - we purchase insurance.

There must be insurance for anything and everything these days.

Good ole password protect.

I can't believe how many people have written requesting our password for the new private posts that we're doing.

We decided to go private because we're posting more and more personal entries - plus, we aren't so sure about having all of our pictures posted out there for the world to see.

Losing weight?

I've been on a roll when it comes to losing weight. Shawna bought me Wii Fit for Valentine's Day and I've been trying to keep up when I get home from work.

She does it too but is absolutely horrible and I keep waiting for the day when she falls on her face or twists her ankle!

Maybe she just needs to stick with the diet pills!

Wii Fit.

Shawna got me Wii Fit for Valentine's day in hopes that we might actually do it and lose some weight.

We did it for the first two nights then we were too sore and Shawna left for Houston.

Now I'm feeling somewhat inspired to pop the game on again. I'm just not sure that I want to see the weight gain!

Is it spring yet?

This weekend we're going to get some seeds and start planting and growing seedlings in our basement.

We've decided to start with Blackberry plants, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peas.

It seems like each year we try to take on too much and it becomes a disorganized mess.

Typically, the only thing that we actually see are the tomatoes since we have a very hungry rodent that breaks into our garden!

I'm so proud ..

Fuck...I've tried to write three different posts and each time blogger seems to get stuck.

Maybe this one will work?

Getting it together...

Today Shawna spent half of the day looking for a stereo cabinet. We went to the local furniture store and found NOTHING.

We figure that we really just need something for the components and we don't want to spend a fortune.

What we might just do is wait until we have the new television, cable, and surround sound installed and then figure out what kind of stand we need.


Maybe I'll just leave this post at that.

Shawna had an awful trip in Texas and to say the least...I'm not letting her go back there again.

Too much heartbreak and pain.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Always going up...

I'm so sick and tired of seeing all of our bills increase and my paycheck staying the same. In fact, I just got our home insurance bill and realized that it's gone up 10%.

We've never made a claim and the value of our house even went down. It seems like the companies are trying to make up their losses by overcharging their very loyal customers.

Sick kids.

Last night we were driving home and Shawna was in the van. All of a sudden she started spewing vomit EVERYWHERE. When we got home it didn't stop. Throughout the night there she kept vomiting.

She's still running a fever and we were told by the pediatrician that this should last for 24 hours or less.


Our basement has serious spider issues. On a monthly basis we have to vacuum the raftors because we have some many spider webs.

Since we've cleaned it up I might consider looking into spider traps. That way we could get rid of those spiders and it will make my life easier!

The time has come...

and my girls are going to head out of town Monday.

I don't know what I"m going to do with myself.

Actually, I have a honeydew list a mile long! Including putting up a microwave and doing household chores.

I guess when I look at it...they're only going to be gone 3.5 days.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Creating new spaces...

We talked last night and we're going to try to add a bathroom upstairs in our bedroom space. I'd like to create different space throughout the house.

In fact, I might even look at office furniture to change the look of my home office.

Another option is to move the home office to the basement and refinish it to include an office, and an extra bedroom.

I'm not sure...

That I can believe what's going on with the economy. This was totally unpredictable. I'm starting to stress out because we saw the first layoff last week and I think they might be laying someone else off too at work.

As far as home goes..we're at a standstill. We're not moving and have decided to do some things around the house to change the space. I figure putting a good $5,000 into the house won't be a big deal considering $50,000 extra into a new house!